
Are Omaha Steaks Worth The Price?

So one afternoon, my wife and I are sitting in the house and the UPS guys rings the doorbell. He left us a large package and it was addressed to me! I haven't ordered anything so I am thinking my wife must have ordered it. She quickly denied ordering anything. Long story short, my next door neighbor had sent us a gift for taking care of her lawn, (she is elderly and can't do this--so we are glad to help out, at no expense).
We quickly opened the package to discover that it was a variety pack of meats from Omaha Steaks. YEEEEHAWWWW! Man this variety pack had a little bit of everything (Sirloins, filets, hamburgers, wieners, chicken breast, etc... ) What a great gift--we were somewhat embarrassed. She shouldn't have gotten this for us, but she would be offended if we didn't graciously accept.
Let's Give the Burgers a Try
So after going over and thanking her, we quickly returned and started planning our meals. We started with the hamburgers--it was quick and easy. I have to say that I didn't have my socks knocked off. We have had better burgers before, but they were not bad either. Just a hamburger. We then had the chicken and well, it tasted like chicken. So far our impression of Omaha Steaks wasn't going to cause us to become customers any time soon.
Beef Hot Dogs Anyone
We eventually decided to eat the hot dogs (I don't know why we were saving the
steaks). We don't typically like beef franks so our expectations weren't real high. They were good and maybe if you are some beef frank connoisseur you might love the beef franks from Omaha Steaks. They were just big hot dogs to us.
We Make Magic
And then the magic happened... We decided to eat the sirloin steaks. We used very minimal marinade (so as not to mask the flavor of the steak). OMG!! These were some GREAT steaks! Beautiful cuts of meat that were easy to grill. These steaks were so tasty and tender. I haven't had a steak that good in years. Omaha Steaks was quickly gaining ground again.
The Best Steak Ever!
A week later we tried the filets. I thought I must have died and gone to steak lover's Heaven--I swear angels were singing and playing music while I was eating the filet. The sirloin steak I had previously was great... the filet went beyond that.
D E L I C I O U S!
My Recommendation
So after about 3 weeks of eating my opinion of Omaha Steaks is that YES, the steak is worth the price. I would save my money by not buying the other products. Stick to the steaks and I think you will be very happy with the product.
I definitely would recommend the Omaha Steaks company for your next quality steak purchase.